Ch.6 Current and Resistance

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current is the flow of charge through a conductor, indicated by

Current II is measured in amperes

Model of conduction:

Kirchhoff's Junction law: current is the same if no junctions; if there is, sum going in equals sum going out

collisions of electrons with other atoms causes resistance
resistivity: electrical property of a material
resistance: property of circuit based on material, size, and shape

Ohm's law: I=ΔV/RI=\Delta V/R

Electron Current

current: the motion of positive charge
drift speedvdv_d: net motion of charges through a wire, typically small (around 104 m/s10^{-4}\text{ m/s})
define electron currentiei_e (unit s1s^{-1}) as the number of electrons per second going through a cross section of wire
the number of electrons NeN_e passing through time Δt\Delta t is Ne=ieΔtN_e=i_e\Delta t
If electron number densitiy is nen_e, we have
This means iei_e can be incerased by increasing the density, the area they flow through, or the drift speed
To neutralize a capacitor, some electrons from the completely filled wire push some electrons onto the positive plate and the negative plate pushes some electrons onto the wire.

Creating a Current

In electrostatic equilibrium, a conductor has a field of E=0\vec{E}=0 inside. But with a current, it is not in equilibrium, so a field pushes the electrons, with some of the energy converting to thermal energy.

Connecting the plates creates a strong negative end, a strong positive end, and neutral center -> nonuniform charge distribution
surface charges do not move; current is inside the wire

If there is an electric field (pointing in negativexx direction), then the acceleration of electrons between collisions with other atoms is
ax=Fm=eEma_x=\frac{F}{m}=\frac{eE}{m} Then
vx=(v0)x+eEmΔtv_x=(v_0)_x+\frac{eE}{m}\Delta t Where Δt\Delta t is the time until next collision, where the velocity gets reset to v0\vec{v}_0. Thus, the average velocity, vdv_d, is
vd=vx=(v0)x+eEmτ=eτmEv_d=\overline{v_x}=\overline{(v_0)_x}+\frac{eE}{m}\tau=\frac{e\tau}{m}E where τ\tau is the mean time between collisions, a property of materials
Substituting, we see that

current: time rate of charge transfer; essentially flow of positive charge, despite positive charges not moving
electron current: flow of electrons, as is actually happening
1 ampereAC/S\text{A}\equiv\text{C}/\text{S} (coulomb per second)

Since I=eieI=ei_e (current equals charge times electron flow rate), we also have that
current density is
the current per square meter of cross section, units J/m2\text{J}/\text{m}^2

Due to conservation of charge, current cannot change as it passes through a light bulb; the current must be the same at all points in an individual current-carrying wire.
A direct consequence is Kirchhoff's Junction law
Iin=Iout\sum I_\text{in}=\sum I_\text{out}

Charge and Resistance

From the current density formula, substituting vdv_d, we have
J=neevd=nee(eτEm)=nee2τmEJ=n_eev_d=n_ee\left(\frac{e\tau E}{m}\right)=\frac{n_ee^2\tau }{m}E
All quantities depend only on the material. Increasing electron density nen_e or time between collisions τ\tau increases the current density, making the material a better conductor.
The conductivityσ\sigma is
This definition makes J=σEJ=\sigma E. Conductivity is dependent on the structure of the material, impurities, and temperature (higher temperature means more collisions, so smaller τ\tau)
The inverse is resistivityρ\rho
Conductivity has units A C/N m2=Ω1 m1\text{A C}/\text{N}\text{ m}^2=\Omega^{-1}\text{ m}^{-1}

At extremely low temperatures, some materials lose resistivity entirely, called superconductivity

Ohm's Law

In a constant diameter wire of length LL and potential difference ΔV\Delta V, from E=dV/dsE=-dV/ds, the field magnitude is
E=ΔV/LE=\Delta V/L
Because J=σEJ=\sigma E and I=JAI=JA,
I=JA=σEA=AρLΔVI=JA=\sigma EA=\frac{A}{\rho L}\Delta V
So, current is proportional to potential difference. Let R=ρL/AR=\rho L/A and we have the resistance of a specific conductor with specific length.
SI Unit ohm, 1 ohm1 V/A1\text{ ohm}\equiv 1\text{ V/A}

Ohm's Law: establishing a potential difference across a conductor with resistance RR creates a current (note this is only valid for constant AA)
I=ΔVRI=\frac{\Delta V}{R}

Recall the battery charge-escalator model:

  1. A battery creates a potential difference ΔVbat\Delta V_\text{bat}. An ideal battery has ΔVbat=ϵ\Delta V_\text{bat}=\epsilon
  2. The battery creates a potential difference ΔVwire=ΔVbat\Delta V_\text{wire}=\Delta V_\text{bat} in the wire
  3. The potential difference in the wire creates an electric field E=ΔVwire/LE=\Delta V_\text{wire}/L
  4. The field establishes current I=JA=σEAI=JA=\sigma EA
  5. The current magnitude is determined by the conductor's resistance and the battery I=ΔVwire/RI=\Delta V_\text{wire}/R

Materials which Ohm's law applies to (constant RR) are ohmic
Batteries (ΔV=ϵ\Delta V=\epsilon determined by chemical reactions) and capacitors (different relationship between II and ΔV\Delta V) are nonohmic

Ohmic materials:

  1. wires- metals with extremely small resistivities ρ\rho and resistances (R1 ΩR\ll 1\text{ }\Omega); ideal wires have R=0 ΩR=0\text{ }\Omega even if there is current
  2. resistors- poor conductors with resistances usually between 10110^1 and 10610^6Ω\Omega; most have a specified value, e.g. 500500Ω\Omega
  3. insulators- glass, plastic, air, etc with large resistances (typicall R109R\gg10^9Ω\Omega); ideal insulators have R=ΩR=\infty\Omega, giving no current even if there is a potential difference